sit in a circle

美 [sɪt ɪn ə ˈsɜːrkl]英 [sɪt ɪn ə ˈsɜːkl]
  • 围成圆圈坐下
sit in a circlesit in a circle
  1. The students sit in a circle on the floor .


  2. Everybody settle down . Now , kids . Everybody ... You sit in a circle .


  3. Up to 50 people would sit in a circle doing their business in plain view of one another and , when they were finished , wipe themselves on a communal sponge as dirty and disease-ridden as , well , a shared butt-wiper .


  4. Let 's all sit down in a circle and ask the magic to work . "


  5. Are you ready for a game ? Let 's stand ( sit ) in a circle first .


  6. That kind of game is for people who know nothing about how to spend their time and sit down in a circle , building plastic hotels and moving around tiny steel cars !
